2011년 2월 10일 목요일

KJV 성경의 400 주년의 기념으로 NIV 성경을 가지라고?

개인적으로 아이패드를 구입해서 사용하고 있습니다.
그래서 성경 프로그램도 이것 저것 다운받아서 써보기도 했었는데, 그 프로그램들 중의 하나가 YouVersion 이라는 회사에서 만든 프로그램이었습니다.

아래의 메일은 YouVersion 이라는 회사로부터 조금 전에 받은 메일입니다..

Limited Time: NIV Available Offline on YouVersion

2011 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
To celebrate this milestone of making God’s Word available in the common language of the people, all throughout this year, YouVersion will be highlighting several special events and opportunities that will make it easier than ever to access, engage and share the Bible.

The first event we’re excited to tell you about is a special 400-hour promotion made possible
through a partnership with Biblica and Zondervan. Exclusively through the Bible App™ you’ll be able to download the New International Version (NIV) using an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Android device…absolutely free. Downloading the NIV means you’ll be able to read it anytime, anywhere—even when you can’t connect to your service provider or the Internet, and after the 400 hour promotion is over. This special offer only lasts for a limited time, starting THIS SATURDAY, February 12, at 8:00 PM U.S. Eastern Time (GMT-5) and ending at 12:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, March 1, marking the first availability of the NIV update in print. For more details about the availability of the NIV offline on your mobile device, follow http://blog.youversion.com.

And even if you don’t have an iPhone or Android device to take advantage of this first offer, we have something for you, too. We continue adding new reading plans to help you connect with God’s Word, with more than 60 available now! One seasonal example is the 5-day “Love and Marriage” plan. If you and your special someone start reading it together now, you can wrap it up just in time for Valentine’s Day! You’ll find it under “Topical” in the Bible App’s Plans, or at http://www.youversion.com/reading-plans/love-and-marriage.

would like to thank Biblica and Zondervan for making the NIV available
offline. You can learn more about both of these organizations at their
web addresses below.

God has already done so much in 2011. We’re looking forward to seeing where

He takes us as we continue to celebrate and share His Word.

Your Friends at YouVersion


짧게 요약하면 KJV 400주년 기념으로 NIV 성경을 짧은 시간동안만 공짜로 나눠준다는 겁니다.
KJV 성경이던 NIV 성경이던 뭐 거기서 거기라고 생각하는 많은 크리스천들은 좋아할만한 뉴스일지는 모르겠지만..

저로서는 억장이 무너질 정도로 답답하네요.

대부분의 사람들은
KJV 와 NIV 성경이 왜 구별되는지,
왜 KJV 가 400년이 넘도록 많은 사람들에게 변함없이 읽히는지,
왜 NIV는 YouVersion 이라는 회사가 KJV 처럼 애초부터 공짜로 나눠주지 못하는지..
이런 등등의 질문에는 아마 생각해본적도 없을겁니다.

KJV 성경의 400 주년 기념으로 NIV 성경을 나눠준다구요?

도대체 한번이라도 두 성경을 비교하며 읽어보고 이런 일을 벌이는 겁니까?

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